In My Cart: Free People

I'm going to start by saying that the wares over at Free People are always a hit or miss for me. The brand skews very young and very bohemian, and I am neither of those things, so I have to sift through a whooooole lot of fringe-laden festival attire before I can find a diamond in the rough. As such, I go for very long periods of time not even bothering to visit the site, but then a catalogue will appear on my doorstep and lo & behold...I discover some pieces that get it so right. Less gypsy flower-child, more Parisian artiste.

Over the last few months I've amassed quite a wishlist of said pieces over at Free People, all of them sitting pretty in my cart until I decide which ones get to come live with me and which ones get the guillotine, so while the going's good I'm sharing them for the second In My Cart post (in case you missed the first of the series, you can check it out here). While I'm quite fond of my little mixed bag of clothes, shoes, and accessories, I have to make the disclaimer that as with most things FP, much of it is overpriced for what it is. I'm not sure why one would pay $130 for a thermal undershirt, but there you have it.

Enjoy, and let me know what you think in the comments below!

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